The Church Health Assessment

The Church Health Assessment …

… to perform a health checkup to accurately assess what needed changes can be identified and implemented to ensure the long-term health and ongoing vitality of the church. Just like a regular physical examination, all churches need a Church Health Assessment at times.

This assessment is a comprehensive examination using applied analytics based on scientific research and hundreds of proven data points, plus the experience of veteran church leaders. This assessment includes a significant pre-visit preparation phase to gather key information about the church. It includes a survey, we also gather further information from an on-site (or Zoom) visit, then with interviews of key leaders, officers, and staff. All this information is collected and assessed along with an analysis of relevant history, significant events, church life, demographics of the local area, and our observations of the vitality of the church’s life.

The focus of the assessment will be directed toward determining areas of health such as effectiveness of ministries, nature of relationships in the church, effective evangelism, vitality of worship, functional infrastructure, effective processes, communication within the church, clarity of roles and responsibilities, and the clarity of and progress of accomplishing the vision.

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The Assessment Report

The findings and observations are developed into an assessment report which identifies observations in areas of strength, areas of concern, and offers recommendations for each major area of concern and opportunities for improvement. All of these findings are discussed and verified with the church leadership and a plan is developed to address the church’s health.